Tuesday, July 24, 2001

note to all boys: this is what we have to go through. and to all girls: check it out, it's a trip. calls to mind why i so instinctively fear anything -- needles, pills -- as an invasion. well. anyway. here's to thursday.

last nite, which prompted said journey into cyberspace i.s.o. information, nomi ilana and i gathered at jamie's. jamie is racked by guilt over various pet-the-bunny issues related to pat-the-bunny. we and ben and jerry's tried to help. her little sister, almost 15, was present: jamie in her distraction didn't care. "well, you wanted to know more about my life," she said, laughing helplessly. maybe it was more than she wanted to know but hey, that's what having an older sister is for.

she leaves for london tomorrow. next week nomi goes to israel, liz goes to canada, and tamar goes to europe. annie goes to senegal. on the 11th, ilana and i go to n. carolina w/ my family. becca departs. everyone, in essence, scatters: then, before you know it, we all settle back into our lives in the eastern college diaspora. funny -- we still have a month and i'm already in reflection-mode. how will i be when i return to swat? becca assures me it's startling at first and then you acclimate because you can, because you have before, because you have to. don't worry, she said.
all right, i won't. and i am looking forward to it; it's just that my tendency to develop contentment wherever i am complicates matters sometimes. happy here, happy there ... it makes me feel kind of shallow.

falconridge? anyone have a tent?

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