Tuesday, February 26, 2002

managed to celebrate purim more successfully today. after a ridiculously long series of classes (film, 8:45 - 11:45; mythology 1:50 - 3:10; danish politics, 3:30 - 6:30 -- lecture and then group presentations, with a free-pizza break/apology towards the end from our teacher) and a dash back to my dorm to exchange my bag o' books for a bag o' clothes, heatherwill mel katie andrea and i went to selena's, this cool two-floor cafe that's becoming a haunt, for drinks. i got a snowball -- too banana-y, not very strong -- and then mel and i split five-shots-for-100-kroner of cuba caramel. so good. on demand, i told the story of the holiday and afterwards was complimented with what is possibly the highest praise i can receive nowadays: that i'm a good storyteller.
when i was done basking, i solicited stories of embarrassment. a slow, steady start (cops interrupting hookups, skirts tucked in underwear) followed by a landslide (alcohol-related reputation injuries, public urination) left us laughing all around the table. we parted reluctantly. i'm spending the nite at andrea's as tomorrow morning early i'm going to the maximum security prison minutes from her dorm with my criminal justice class. so far it's been a much better week than last.

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