Sunday, August 25, 2002

as you can see the redesign lies before you. my darling elizabeth drew the picture for/of me (defending the likeness while we argued over how big she had to make my butt so that people would recognize me) last night while we lay like happy sluggards around the house. eventually after she approved of the new look and we'd eaten a sufficiency of blueberries, which everyone keeps telling us are INCREDIBLE for our health, like better than prayer or margarine, we watched three kings, the most anti-war "war" movie i've ever seen. the director's name bears an unfortunate resemblance to david o. selznick, as does his lack of subtlety. but it's an interesting movie: i can fully understand why critics appreciated it and audiences abhored.
going up to swatland in a moment or two to fill my room. hopefully will make it back in time for Sex and the City, because like many humans i am a creature of habit. this is why it's a good thing i never started smoking.

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