Goddammandblastit, I'm gonna go crazy at some point from the waiting. Brooklyn College did a round of notification by phone in late February during which I was *not* called; they have emitted not a peep since. I know because, so help me, I've started reading the frequently and frantically updated 2008 Admissions Blogs.
I am trying to remind myself of the following details, all of which are only Lightly to Moderately True:
- I don't care whether or not I get in (light)
- Whether or not I get in I am a worthwhile person (moderate)
- I can still be a writer without an MFA (moderate)
- An MFA program can't teach you persistence and dedication, which are the fundamental building blocks for an actual writing career (moderate)
What is very true is that I cared a lot less, and was a lot less nervous, before I did some rudimentary wandering around the internet two weeks ago and discovered the actual acceptance rate. Friends, why did I do this to myself, apply to only one really good really selective program with no back-up plan to help soothe the savage ego-beast?
It's enough to make a person consider finding peace in a $5,000, life-ruining embrace. (Mr. Spitzer, I vomit on you from a distance. You have THREE DAUGHTERS, you arrogant, irritating, disappointing, testosterone-driven douchebag. I hope your relevant sexual organs shrivel up like old carrots, not that I wish you any harm.)
I am also worried for friends who are hearing from other programs. Oh, March, what a blustery and frustrating month you are.
House GOP in Chaos as Elon Musk Floated for Speaker
48 minutes ago
Esther, how are you so good at delivering the thoughtfully personal with a tasty side of the articulately outraged political?
is the title a reference to the greatest of all TS Eliot lines, "teach us to care and not to care/teach us to sit still"?
this light/moderate stuff makes me think of tampons! i have to say that my belief that whether or not you get in you are still a worthwhile person is HEAVY.
or is the title a reference to the great elizabeth bishop poem that's been running through my head One Art: "The art of losing is not hard to master..."
aw, thanks!
elis, maybe i was subconsciously. i have lots of orphan fragments lying around.
and src, it's possible i was thinking of that too -- i do have tampons on the brain this week.
regarding spitzer, he spent tens of thousands of dollars, easily traceable-- the arrogance just gets worse and worse...
true. the money laundering ($80,000, they're saying now) is the iniquitous cherry on the boneheaded sundae. if he's just gone down the street for a random sex worker, or better had an aide do so for him, none of this would be happening. but he suffers more than we do: we get david paterson, a hopefully less crooked politician; he loses all.
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