Tuesday, August 03, 2004


a couple minor tragedies struck my friend and fellow RA emily yesterday. i had never seen her so stoop-shouldered and red-eyed. defeat loomed over her and unbrushed hair made her look like she was in mourning instead of just, as usual, late. but she managed to shrug all of that off, for one of the best causes i can think of: zombies.

every afternoon, each RA is responsible for conceiving of and putting into effect 2 activities for the chillun. the perfect ones combine elements of originality, simplicity, and stumbling around made-up to resemble the undead. considering these factors, last session emily and i came up with Zombies. we painted our faces whitish green with purple eyes, added gashes here and there, then topped it off with toilet paper bandages. the chillun copied us. when all were ready, we went forth, wreaking havoc on the campus, groaning "brains ... brains ... "

super fun, especially when strangers shot us that Are they playing around or not? look, and then decided they didn't want to stay to find out. people ran away! it was awesome and it worked like imitrex on emily, whose mood improved immediately once did the activity again yesterday. i hadn't even been feeling depressed and it made me feel better too. i only wish i had a picture. if i may say so myself, i make a freaky-ass brain eater.

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