ben's talking to his mom on the phone behind me. that's always a funny thing. does she know i'm here? should i leave? ('don't leave,' he whispers, cupping his hand over the receiver.) i chat w/ rob, who was crazy last nite and this morning is occupied w/ his belle&sebastian and the ants crawling all over his bookcase. i wander back in here, sit at the computer. ahh, computer.
last nite was a lot of fun. ben and ross threw another party, this time situtated it in this beautiful walled in courtyard. adjunct to it was another party, one w/ alcohol and which had been well-publicized; but ben and ross had better music and the novelty of an outside, lovely location, not to mention $200 worth of sushi, so they wooed about 200 people over and then kept them. at 2, which was when the thing was slated to end, there were still folks pleading for them to keep playing. it was incredible. all evening long, people approached me and told me how great it was and how much they enjoyed it. becca was wearing the tight three-quarters dress that dips up the front that we bought at mustard seed; she was dancing her heart out and loving it.
shit. the phone conversation has shifted from smalltalk to wartalk ('i didn't say do nothing -- drop some food on them!') how about televisions? oh, he just mentioned that: little screens showing international leaders denouncing the taliban. i don't know if that would work; that might just get people riled up. altho it would be wonderfully ironic if osama was killed by a stray Panasonic set to Fox.
and there are ants everywhere.
focus, focus. yesterday marc and i went into philly. we met jolly, jeff (who goes to skool w/ us and went to high skool w/ joc) and their mutual pennfriend ina, whose first exposure to marc was walking in on him in a compromising position. we went to a mediocre dinner and then split up: marc and i to see
bread and tulips, which was charming, and jolly jeff and ina to see some band from iceland in concert.
later, matt rubin and joel, who went to the same concert, proclaimed it the best they'd ever been to -- they looked like they'd been shooting up, they were dazed and dazzled. joc seemed less affected but she liked it too. everyone regrouped at the party.
it was quite an active day. to make the post-movie train, marc and i had to run nine blocks. earlier, becca and i lugged all our laundry to the ville, altho we got out of having to lug it all back by smiling pretty at a man who was doing his at the same time and asking for a ride.
forget it, i can't concentrate. he's pacing behind me, getting louder and more upset. i should go home: i have to eat, i have work to do. "we're treading a fine line here b/w war w/ islam and coalition w/ islam." oh, he's backed off -- he's apologizing -- "i love you too mom" -- and, oh man, oh man, "oh, happy birthday. i totally forgot." jesus. :-) ("it was a week ago," he adds.) anyway.
officially off blogger's page now, by the way. oh well. my 15 minutes are up.