Saturday, November 03, 2001

i'm at penn, staying in at becca's b/c she's out and i'm tired; but instead of sleeping immediately i'm roaming the web; and having come across jackie's new four thing meme, i thought i'd try it out. i'm omitting parts b/c that's my perogative. and making it three b/c i like the number three, it's easier than four, and anyway that's my perogative too. feel free to adopt and adapt -- that's the point of these things. the cred goes to jackie.
three things you'd eat on the last day of your life:
a cinnabon. w/ my fingers.
ben and jerry's chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream (not all three at once tho. major sugar overload)
three least favorite cds in your collection:
the paul simon concert in the park cd my brother gave me for my birthday a couple years ago. love s&g, can't stand p.s. on his own. don't know. that counts as 2 since it's a double cd; &
one of the later indigo girls cds i never liked, like nomads, indians.
three movies that made you think:
breaking the waves
three celebrities you'd have sex with:
jim carrey
ani difranco
edward norton
songs that frequently get stuck in your head:
independence day (ani)
bitter (jill sobule)
silent all these years (tori)
things you'd like to learn:
how to play the guitar
how to get along w/ people when i first meet them
how to write good papers
beverages you drink frequently:
diet coke
tv shows from when you were a kid:
get smart
inspector gadget
(my addition, in honor of the last couple weeks)four comfort books you reread in times of stress:
haroun and the sea of stories
harry potter
the hours

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