Monday, November 26, 2001

thanks to rabi, i finally fixed this page so that it looks the way god intended on netscape. i can't vouch for the other way-too-sophisticated browsers (opera? what?); i was quite pleased just to see that it worked on the conventional ones.

last nite i read over the poem i wrote in vermont and decided i still liked it. an achievement of sorts since i haven't written many things this semester whose appeal endured beyond the original few minutes of composition. in celebration of bucking the trend i give you:
snow white's stepmother ordered snow white's
heart, raw and chapped as a February morning,
then sat, with a glint in her eye like headlights
off of February ice on an unexpected mountain turn,
and ate it. I always admired that bit
of cannibalistic competence: there, i thought,
is a woman who gets things done. i imagined
the step-daughter's heart beating down
the door of the step-mother's throat. (Disney doctors,
as though playing Operation, plucked that scene
from the movie. Made it that much less Grimm.)
I like to think of the evil queen for a moment
playing hostess to two hearts -- minor and major cords
in clashing keys -- sick with the pounding, desperate
not to regurgitate the essence of her enemy all
over the kitchen floor and give herself away.
i don't recall what inspired it. of course it's still rough; feel free to advise.

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