there is cornbread cooling on my oven rack. granted, said cornbread is 80% trader joe's mix and patient instructions, and 20% me flying around kitchen with one hand on heart (patriotism, anxiety - it's all interwoven nowadays) assembling eggoilmilkcupmeasuresbowlfork8x8x2pan. the product virtually glows with wholesomeness. i haven't attempted a bite yet. i'm still at the suspicious prowling in circles about it and sniffing stage.
yesterday, my first full day of work ( = a full day face off with a computer monitor) and the heat index reaching 110 and walking through that foul air combined to floor me, by evening, with a migraine that invited henry james in on the fun. by 7 i was a wreck; by 8, i had finally managed to throw back some of my sedative-stuff and merge with the night. by 12:30 i was awake and fine, only none of my friends were around to play with. sad. i read
winnie-the-pooh and eventually fell back asleep.
the day itself, by contrast, was relatively painless. my research allowed me time to chat w/ miz becca, who is angsting over her latest Possibility, a young man who edits at a Mainstream Men's Magazine. a google search for his name returned interviews with shannon doherty and pamela anderson lee, the latter window i had to immediately close for fear wandering associates would think i was ogling porn. but i was suitably impressed.
the three intern fellows and i went out to lunch. their identities came further into focus: guy #1,
leftist, speaks knowledgeably of
mother jones and
ms. and started a weekly film showing on his campus. he and i are seeing
minority report on saturday. guy #2, sweet smiley blond and a self-revealed republican,
b.b.. guy #3 reminds me of a former jds-er named
aaron: shaggy, outspoken, very self-confident. he told me i reminded him of "that girl from
american pie." turned out of be
natasha lyonne, of course -- i've been told that before. course the way he put it made me shudder a bit: "you know, that one they run into at skool, who couldn't have orgasms."
and met liz at union station, after wandering while waiting through Waldenbooks. i discovered lynne cheney's American Primer: a kid's a-z on the usa. just looking at the cover i knew what "G" would stand for. sure enough: "G is for GOD, in whom we all trust ..." happy 4th, lynne.