Monday, June 18, 2001

"i wonder about all the roads not taken and am moved to quote Frost ... but won't. It is sad to be able only to mouth other poets. I want someone to mouth me." --sylvia plath, journals of sylvia plath.

i underlined that almost exactly a year ago. initially the journals really excited me, i remember. i kept my pencil in my hair and kept pulling it out to mark something that struck me as poetic, particularly well-said, or just something that could have come from my own mind. then as i continued to read, or, put another way, as sylvia aged, i found myself relating to her less, and ultimately i even disliked her. funny thing. i'm not sure what changed. i think i lost patience w/ her bipolarity: she was either entirely confident in her own brilliance, or she felt she had no talent at all and should stop take up dishwashing as a hobby.
it frightened me a little b/c i felt like we were on the same wavelength, to a degree, early on. i didn't (don't) want to end up like her. altho of course the accolades &c. would be much appreciated.
was there any way to be memorable w/o being depressed? i remember also mulling over that. as jill sobule says, "dorothy parker: mean drunk and depressed. ... tennessee williams: drunk and depressed. i guess i'll just get drunk and depressed ...."
it was at the same time that i discovered that janeane garofolo had gotten a breast reduction when she was in her teens b/c, as she said, at 5'2", a 36D chest made her look "dumpy."
so much for heroes. (which is, of course, jill sobule's point in the song)

on a similar note, i watched the insider this afternoon. long but interesting and extremely well-acted; clearly russel crowe got his oscar belatedly.
i was supposed to go w/ RB and MR to a concert this evening. at the last minute, tamar called and said nomiyoni and adam were going out for ice cream as a goodbye to yoni, who's leaving for memphis. i changed plans and went, partly b/c i knew i wouldn't see yoni for 5 months or so, and partly b/c i needed to talk to tamar.
it went all right. i don't know, i just have much more fun in situations where i don't have to banter mean-spiritedly. inevitably it catches me off guard, i guess b/c i'm still unused to being attacked, even jokingly. i can respond w/ attacks of my own and sometimes they amuse the people around us, but mostly it doesn't make me happy.
it particularly sucks in this instance b/c last year yoni and i were friends -- or at least more than we are now. last year we were moderately close: if we did banter, i knew that there was luv behind the barbs. w/o that reassurance, i get a little upset.
ah well. i'm really tired. after going to bed at 4 last nite, i got woken up at 9:45 this morning and i didn't go back to sleep. ("sleep! that's where i'm a viking!")
five pts if you can get not only the reference but the episode. email me yr guesses (see form on the side that i worked so long last nite to get right?)
god bless.

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