i've been out of commission. paint fumes, lysol, sweat, w/ one or two scented candles throwing their weight around -- that's the smell of the barn where i've been spending nearly all my waking hours, to the extent that coming to campus is a Big Deal. just today, after lunch on the porch, ross and i decided to Come to Campus, and we had to get dressed, redo hair, grab bags, and smooth the butterflies in our stomachs. and i'm only barely exagerating.
still, tho we have much left to do, the barn reflects the effort we've been putting in. our common room is now a bright peach; the trim will soon be cream. my room looks more acceptable (i.e.: more like me.) my mattress came as promised, tho we have yet to get phone service (may verizon grow like a turnip w/ its head in the ground and its legs in the air.)
mostly the thing that's restored my optomism and nearly-immortal good cheer -- so alarming absent the last time i wrote -- was ben's arrival. our reunion happened in public, coincidentally, and was witnessed, if not applauded, by the whole freshman class. i can't even put into words the relief, the just general gooey happiness i felt to be w/ him again. two months is two long.
meetings start tonite. classes, monday. stress, soon -- i can already smell it in the air, like you can smell storms. i'm doing my best not to let things phase me. w/ any luck, all this craziness will sort itself out. everything ... will be ... okay.
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