Monday, July 23, 2001

hallo world. i have "uncle fucker" from southpark stuck in my head b/c cindy was playing it upstairs.

this morning started w/ a scare. the phone rang about 9:35 while dad walked sheba to the corner and i was checking email before i left for work. i didn't answer it, figuring it would be for dad and he would get the message from the machine. as it turned out, the message was from my mother, crying and incoherent: all we could make out was something about g.w., our hospital.
we grabbed our stuff and rushed down there, calling as we went the admissions desk, the emergency room, anyplace that might have record of her. nothing. we couldn't find her when we got down there and walked from building to building, either. eventually we got thru to her office where her boss richard filled us in: she had had a procedure that she hadn't wanted to tell us about and it went much worse than expected so she headed home. a call from her a minute or two later confirmed the fact. she had called us from the metro station asking for a ride. relieved, my father and i got back in the car and he dropped me off at the office on his way home to see her.
couldn't help but feel slightly responsible, as all i had to do was answer the damn phone and the message would have come thru un-garbled. ah well. at least she's okay.

yesterday, perhaps out of guilt for recently choosing films over books, i eschewed my remaining videos to read My Year of Meats, a very vegetarian novel that disturbed me and made me think a lot about why i chose that route. the change in the means of artistic escapism did not affect my manners: i was just as impatient w/ the people who dared called and disturb me as i am when my movie-watching is interrupted. luckily people (under)stand me.

hung out w/ becca, went foodshopping and drove her home. refreshing as we barely spoke last week.

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