Wednesday, October 31, 2001

halloween. right. wow. it didn't really register earlier. so far it's been a much better day than yesterday or the day before. there's a gorgeous full moon out -- i can't stop staring at it. i started a poem a few months ago w/ the lines,
if love is a room, it has a glass ceiling
through which the moon, seen from a thousand angles,
inspires a thousand odes.
but i never wrote more than that. at my co|motion meeting over dinner, one of the sarahs suggested we go out and howl at it after. i heartily agreed that we should; somehow we dispersed, tho, and forgot.

still, today's been all right. i wish fucking comments would start working again (sorry guys.) i'm residually a little on edge: one of the sharples staff (cafeteria folk) in a green mask that looked alarmingly and illogically real scared me so badly i screamed "jesus christ!"
i'm in the library, biding time. maybe i'll go watch part of a movie. nothing scary -- i couldn't handle horror. something pretty and calm and soothing. or funny. i laughed a lot at dinner and it was really good for me.

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