Saturday, April 13, 2002

i have one of the worst lottery numbers in the junior class. i'm not quite sure how that's possible -- i thought they adjusted them so that people who blocked last year were lower on the list which should install a floor past which a normal, not-having-blocked-or-lived-anywhere-spectacular-freshman-year chick like me could not fall. well. no.
conclusions: 1) i am a spoiled brat accustomed to everything going my way. 2) i wish there were a bull i could sacrifice to appease the swat gods, who i seem to have angered. 3 prime) perhaps i should stop making leftist jokes, as the swat gods do not seem to find them amusing. 4) i'm reading roots -- you'd think that'd help! 5) oops, there i go again.

things that could make me happier: 1) shopping w/ andrea, which i'm about to go do. she gave me one of the sweetest compliments of my life: that i make her like her more. as she makes me like humanity more, i guess we're even. 2) drinking heavily. i hear that works for some people. folks are pre-partying starting at 5 at dis; i was thinking of joining them anyway. 3) a movie i actually enjoy, unlike the last two we've watched in film class (both about WWII) or the last 4 i've seen in a theater. maybe this will do. 4) powell being effective. but i can't wander off on that train of thought again or i'll cry.

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